===[ Программизм ]=== #post-id: 5320-02-02 #original-date: 18.02.2015 Wed #original-time: 2:02 AM #original-day: 5320 #original-host: WinXP Home SP3 (Build 2600) > The president has encouraged his two daughters, Sasha and Malia, > to learn to code, although they apparently haven’t taken to it the > way he’d like. > > “I think they got started a little bit late,” the president > conceded. “Part of what you want to do is introduce this with the > ABCs and the colors,” he said. http://recode.net/2015/02/14/obama-everybodys-got-to-learn-how-to-code/ И тут я подумала, а как изменятся люди, если с начальной школы учить их программизму?