#post-id: 5511-22-35 #original-date: 28.08.2015 Fri #original-time: 10:35 PM #original-day: 5511 #original-host: WinXP Home SP3 (Build 2600) > Photography is the only art form that I know of in which the > practitioners worship their equipment. I know many artists, yet > have never known a painter to brag about his brushes or serious > writers to spend hours comparing typewriters or word processors > or sculptors spending hours discussing their chisels. Yet most of > my time spent with photographers is spent listening, ad nauseam, > about this or that make of camera or lens or tripod, film, paper, > etc., etc., etc. http://fotograves.blogspot.ru/2007/11/importance-of-subject-in-photography.html?m=1 Отсюда: http://juick.com/2800589 Насчёт райтеров подтверждаю OO