===[ Игры / идиоты ]=== #post-id: 5822-19-56 #original-date: 4.07.2016 Mon #original-time: 7:56 PM #original-day: 5822 #original-host: WinXP Home SP3 (Build 2600) > Quite a few of Snatcher’s inappropriate interactions are optional; > the player does not have to trigger these scenes to see the game’s > ending. The game does, however, greatly encourage the habit of > triple-checking everything in order to progress. Regardless of > whether screens of in-game text are optional, they were put into > the game for the player to experience and, on top of that, some of > the questionable choices are the first to be listed. These scenes > aren’t hidden in mountains of programming code that only a hacker > could find; they can be experienced through normal play. Gillian > could be given any number of other choices when interacting with > women, yet sexual harassment is often the first alternative to > unremitting detective work. http://ettugamer.com/2014/03/19/snatcher_1988/ Вы не понимаете! Авторы заставляют игрока избивать случайных прохожих, угонять случайные машины и воровать деньги из счётчиков! Прямо стоят рядом с каждым игроком и держат автомат у виска! Ээээ... В смысле, заставляют домогаться под дулом автомата!