===[ Программизм ]=== #post-id: 6885-16-01 #original-date: 2.06.2019 Sun #original-time: 4:01 PM #original-day: 6885 #original-host: WinXP Home SP3 (Build 2600) > The code builds just fine except that you get a linker error that > makes no sense. (Let’s face it, most linker errors make no sense > until you put on your linker-colored glasses.) > > [...] > > There’s some good news and bad news about this error message. > > The good news is that this error message is going away. The bad > news is that it’s being replaced with a different error message. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20190529-00/?p=102527 #music: a - The Trip: Tip top tunes. [SomaFM] - [ice1.somafm.com] Markus Schulz - Fly To Colors (Original Mix)