===[ Программы / Windows / йумор ]=== #post-id: 6940-16-32 #original-date: 27.07.2019 Sat #original-time: 4:32 PM #original-day: 6940 #original-host: WinXP Home SP3 (Build 2600) > However, so much work had been pushed into the Blackcomb release > that it was clear that it couldn’t all be done in one release > cycle, so selected portions were extracted into an interim release > code named Longhorn, which is the name of a bar situated between > the Whistler and Blackcomb mountains. > > Longhorn was the code name for Windows Vista. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20190722-00/?p=102724 Теперь понятно, почему Виста получилась такой кривой.