===[ Программы ]=== #post-id: 7833-17-10 #original-date: 5.01.2022 Wed #original-time: 5:10 PM #original-day: 7833 #original-host: WinXP Home SP3 (Build 2600) > Back in the day, a customer reported that their program crashed on > Itanium. > > [...] > > I pointed out to the customer liaison that what the customer is > trying to do is very suspicious and looks like a virus. The > customer liaison explained that it’s quite the opposite: The > customer is a major anti-virus software vendor! The customer has > important functionality in their product that that they have built > based on this technique of remote code injection, and they cannot > afford to give it up at this point. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20211229-00/?p=106061 У какого антивируса были проблемы Итаниумами?